Yesterday I looked at the dilemma facing a blogging job hunter (ie. me). Should I put my blog on my CV? Rhys Wynne and Rich Minx think that blogging gives you lots of skills that employers find desirable. The Devil’s Kitchen has added his thoughts here and asks if there are any more skills that […]
Should I put my blogs on my CV?
Here is something that I’ve been pondering about quite a bit recently. A few years ago it was all bad news for bloggers who have jobs. Getting sacked because of your blog stuck fear into so many that it the concept even spawned its own word: dooce. People who have been dooced are not in […]
Radio Fivee Livee (or, Mr E and Dr V’s five minutes of fame)
It was quite appropriate that when I was invited to appear on Radio 5 Live’s excellent Pods and Blogs segment it would be along with Mr Eugenides. Pods and Blogs is part of Up All Night, a radio programme that both Mr Eugenides and I are big fans of. That’s not the only thing we […]
To Duncan. From the person who always frowns at you
I’m not the biggest fan of Christmas you know. I really don’t mind it at all. I’m not a total Scrooge (who, incidentally, was a fellow Langtonian). There are very good reasons to try and enjoy yourself at this time of year. It’s cold, dark and miserable. What else can you do except make the […]
It never ends
I had my last exam today! Only to turn up to work and find out that I only have three days off between now and Hogmanay. One of which is Christmas Day. Another of which is tomorrow. And I’m working from 0800–1800 on Boxing Day. They’ve obviously never seen what I’m like at that time […]
Look here! It’s a post!
Oh hello, it’s me. Sorry about that silence. I had a scary essay to write, as well as plenty of work. Christmas really is a massive load of shite isn’t it? Anyway, I don’t think my essay was very good. I stayed up until almost 4am on Sunday night writing the essay. Then once I […]
Take that, facial hair fascists: A squirrel will be on my face
Sorry I haven’t been writing so many posts recently. It really has been non stop over these past four or five weeks. And now that I’ve got a chance to relax I’m just relaxing. I’m a little bit worried about what my colleagues at work might think about me. Since I started working I’ve noticed […]
One creepy customer
I had to deal with a really creepy customer last Friday at work. I am probably in a minority in that I prefer shelf stacking to being on the tills. I never realised how much I hate being on the tills until Sunday because in recent weeks I’ve mostly only been filling shelves. I probably […]
Asda gives young staff less opportunity
Chris Dillow informs us how not to attack David Cameron. I had a conversation today with my mother about the news that Asda will pay under-18s the same hourly wage as adults. She thought it was a good thing, but I said, “You do know what that means, don’t you? It just means they’ll employ […]
With the emphasis on ‘zero’
Andrew at Definition Britain has a post about Coke Zero, so called because that’s how many people buy it. Seriously, sales of Coke Zero are falling after the initial launch buzz. It wasn’t as if Coke Zero seemed to be selling very well anyway. Coke Zero launched just before I started working at Woolworths. What […]