Warp20 (Box Set)

Warp Records celebrated its twentieth anniversary this year with an extravagant box set, Warp20 (Box Set). Measuring in at 10 inches × 10 inches × 3 inches, it truly is a thing of beauty. Packed in there are five CDs and five 10 inch records, full of Warp goodness old and new. It was not […]

20 Warp albums — part 5

This is the final selection of my overview of twenty interesting Warp albums from the record label’s twenty years. To read the other parts of this series, please check the table of contents on the right. Jamie Lidell — Multiply Jamie Lidell is clearly a very talented person. His voice is incredible, but perhaps more […]

20 Warp albums — part 4

This is the fourth group Warp albums that I am looking at, celebrating 20 years of the seminal record label. To read the other parts of this series, check out the table of contents on the right. Pulp — Intro Surprised? Not many people know that Pulp were given a substantial leg-up by the people […]

20 Warp albums — part 3

The third part of my five-part series looking at 20 interesting albums from the 20 year history of Warp Records. To read other parts of the series, please check the table of contents to the right. Battles — Mirrored Battles are redefining what rock music is. They are pushing the envelope in the same way […]

20 Warp albums — part 2

Continuing my look at 20 Warp albums from Warp’s 20 years. For other articles in this series, please see the table of contents to the right. Albums are presented in randomised order. Broadcast — The Noise Made by People This was the first Warp album I ever bought, and it remains a favourite of mine […]

20 years of Warp Records

This month the seminal Warp Records label is celebrating its 20th anniversary. There is a heap of festivities planned, and I am expectantly waiting for the very awesome looking Warp20 box set to arrive in the next week or so. They have a lot to celebrate. The label has personified the cutting-edge of electronic music […]