Memories of ITV-F1

ITV showed that when it mattered, they could cover an unfolding event properly. Even though it was a low point for Formula 1, the 2005 United States Grand Prix was a high point for ITV’s coverage. When it became clear that there was a chance that the race would go ahead without the Michelin runners, […]

The Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand-wagon

The top story on the BBC News website is currently this on the furore surrounding Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross as Gordon Brown wades his sorry way in. I am sorry, but I really do struggle to believe that this is the most important story around at the moment. In fact, once you put the […]

A breath of fresh air from F1 Racing

I’m taking a brief break from my break because I think I can afford to now. When I last wrote about the racism issue in F1, it was to bemoan the media’s role in fuelling the fire. If you have been reading for a while you might know of the distaste I have for some […]

Too many thoughts on Fuji

Firstly — apologies for the lateness of my review of the Japanese Grand Prix. Another busy weekend spilled over into Monday, and is spilling over into Tuesday and Wednesday as well. (I am being very naughty by writing this post.) There are so many talking points that it is difficult to know where to start. […]

Foul-mouthed but good

Has anybody else noticed how foul-mouthed the British blogosphere is becoming? It weren’t like that in my day. Maybe everybody’s trying to make up for the departure of John B. Anyway, here’s a post from that prime pottymouth, Nosemonkey, who writes about party membership, and particularly Labour Party membership. I don’t understand party membership either. […]