The world ended in 1966 for the Daily Express

I mentioned recently that I am a huge fan of the radio programme Up All Night. Every night on the programme a newspaper editor discusses what is going to be in the morning’s edition of his particular newspaper. Most of the editors do just that: explain what is going to be in the morning paper. […]

Libertarianism again

There have been a couple of long responses to my last post on libertarianism and Ukip. First out of the blocks was Longrider, who takes us away from abstract political ideologies and brings in a bit of pragmatism. Libertarianism in its pure form is anarchy. If you are to have individual freedom, sooner or later […]

Ukip libertarian? I think not

One of the most interesting things about libertarians is how quickly their devotion to free markets and capitalism disappear so quickly as soon as it involves those dirty foreigners getting a piece of the action. The Devil’s Kitchen likes to describe himself as a libertarian (as he did in a self-congratulatory post today) and makes […]

Faith is a private matter

That’s not what I said. That’s what Ruth Kelly said last year when she tried to bat away questions about her ties to Opus Dei. Funny, because that’s not what she’s saying today. I think that over the past couple of years, the level of understanding within government of the scale of the threat that […]

Breaking News: Pope is a Catholic

I am shocked — shocked! — to find out that the Pope is a Catholic. Longrider has an interesting post on the rather manufactured outrage. I mean, surely the Pope isn’t meant to like Islam? Cos he’s, you know, not a Muslim? He’s a Catholic? Duh. What I’d like to know is how many Islamic […]

Keeping lots of money in your house is very sensible

CuriousHamster is angry about the coverage of those Muslim chaps who have some money in their house. Read it all, as they say. My mum was quite angry as well. At the moment I usually don’t rise out of bed until about midday or 1 o’clock, so she always knows the news way before I […]

The science of economics?

My dad is disappointed in me. He tries to restrain it, but every so often he lets it come out. He thinks I shouldn’t have chosen to do Economics at University. “It’s not a real science,” he says. He is a chemist, you see. Sometimes I find it difficult to disagree with him, although I […]

Buddha Machine on Radio Scotland

Just a quick post to say for those of you who can’t wait to hear my voice that I’m going to be on Radio Scotland’s Newsdrive programme tonight (sometime between 4 and 6) talking about the Buddha Machine. You can hear me forgetting all the witty things I had prepared to say in crystal-clear FM. […]

FSM sex

No! Blasphemy! Some wise guy has drawn a load of pictures of the Flying Spaghetti Monster doing some dirty sex action. Where’s the petrol, I need to burn down the internet in protest. (Via)