Limited edition crisps Walkers’ limited edition crisps are marketing genius, but culinary crap. Am I the only one to have noticed that Walkers just wheel out the same flavours over and over again? The only difference is the names. From the current World Cup series, I have definitely had ‘French garlic baguette’ some time before. […]
If Gillian Duffy is a bigot, then Labour is the bigoted party
My first reaction upon reading about Gordon Brown’s “bigoted woman” gaffe was, “but what if she is bigoted?” My second thought was, “this will probably work in Gordon Brown’s favour”. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time the media got a tad over-excited when criticising Gordon Brown, only for it to work in Brown’s […]
Blogospheric battles and political punch-ups
My oh my, it’s certainly been getting heated in the Scottish political blogosphere of late. The Glasgow East by-election has captivated us all — and it’s captivated some people a bit too much. Councillor Andrew Burns can’t remember it being like this during the Dunfermline West by-election. If I was in a cheeky mood I […]
You know the world is against you when…
…people lay right into you for playing croquet. Is there really nothing more interesting happening at the moment? Update: Daily Mail in crap scandal scandal.