A thought suddenly occurred to me last week when I was attending a presentation at IWMW about HTML5 and friends. One of the slides contained the logos of the five major browsers. It suddenly occurred to me that they are all round! It is almost as if the circle or sphere has, by stealth, become […]
Why is technology news not news?
Hello. I’ve been wondering a bit about the way technology news is still ghettoised. I don’t mean news about the latest rubbish web 2.0 start-up with a ridiculous name. I mean quite important stuff. Security problems and the like. Take what happened last week. A patch to fix a major flaw in the DNS was […]
A few more tweaks
I’m in the process of writing the next post in my series about music and the internet, but it’s proving to be a bit of an epic. It is probably better to spread the posts out anyway. I doubt many people want to read my ranting and raving about the music industry between Christmas and […]
A new look
Yes, I’ve decided to give the blog a new look again. I couldn’t wait to get this up, but it’s not quite finished. I still need to do a few tweaks here and there. (Surprise surprise, it looks a bit guff in Internet Exploder.) But it’s quite late now and I can’t bring myself to […]
Middle click
The Firefox 2 feature that seems to have got people most excited is the fact that each individual tab now has its own X button. But come on. Why did you even use the X button anyway. Did you not realise that middle clicking on a tab closes it? Infact, middle clicking is probably one […]
Browzar on the back foot
At last, BBC News have removed that effusive story about the highly dodgy Browzar software. I almost complained to the BBC about it yesterday, but luckily I didn’t need to. Today they’ve replaced it with a new, much more probing story. It’s clear that Browzar is on the back foot now. I particularly like this […]
I love Firefox
No real news there, except that I’ve just found out about a nifty Firefox plugin for smelly students like me who use the Athens authentication system, via Spontaneous Monotony. It is an official Athens toolbar which lets you log in and log out easily, which is a godsend really because there have been many times […]