The end of 405-line television

I cheated a bit last week, so this week I thought I’d better bring out a proper, genuine gem. This is the last ever broadcast on the 405-line system, on 3 January 1985. To mark the occasion, the BBC brought out a 1938 television set (that would be a Baird Model T18 for you anoraks […]

The declining standard of F1 television coverage

In my previous article about the post-Bahrain backlash, I noted that I thought the main reason why people felt that the race was boring was down to something fully within Bernie Ecclestone’s control. It is the most important thing to the vast majority of fans, although in the rush to blame the presence of heavy […]

2010 Formula 1 predictions

This article marks the return of Formula 1 to this website, as I have decided to (partially) close down vee8. For those of you who would rather not read the F1-related articles, you may like to subscribe to the F1-free RSS feed. To break this process in gently, I have decided to make the first […]

Disaster averted — there will be one Formula 1

A deal has been struck between Max Mosley, Fota and Bernie Ecclestone, and the threat of a breakaway series has been averted. I think there were a lot of people out there who quite liked the idea of a breakaway series. Indeed, given the choice between Max Mosley’s rotten vision and a Fota-run series, I […]

A look at Fota’s proposals

Fota today announced its plans for the future direction of Formula 1. Perhaps predictably, the announcement is a mixture of the sensible, the radical and the downright crazy. Fota carried out a “global audience survey”, with participants from 17 countries and encompassing committed fans of Formula 1 as well as marginal fans and those who […]

BBC announces plans for 2009 F1 coverage

Today the BBC has announced further details of its F1 coverage, which will start in just a month’s time. We already knew who would be presenting the BBC’s F1 coverage, but today we have found out more about just what the BBC will be offering the viewers this season. Television coverage The BBC have released […]

What to expect from the BBC’s F1 coverage

Having considered the past of ITV’s Formula 1 coverage, it is time to turn our attention to the future of the BBC’s F1 coverage. The first thing to point out is that, of course, just about everything is pure speculation for the time being. We have been given a few hints of what to expect […]

F1 season review: broadcasts

Today’s post in my series reviewing the 2007 Formula 1 season was going to be about F1’s bigwigs — Max Mosley and the FIA, Bernie Ecclestone and FOM. However, events in this area are continuing and show no sign of stopping yet, so I’ll leave it for later. Instead, I’ll move on to what I […]

F1 coverage to get its much-needed boost?

As the 2007 Formula 1 season approaches (only a week to go, wheee!), there is only one question on everybody’s lips: Is the television coverage going to improve? I am not talking about ITV’s coverage. Although we would all prefer there not to be any commercial breaks and would like to believe that there is […]