Walkers crisps — a miscellany of moans

Limited edition crisps Walkers’ limited edition crisps are marketing genius, but culinary crap. Am I the only one to have noticed that Walkers just wheel out the same flavours over and over again? The only difference is the names. From the current World Cup series, I have definitely had ‘French garlic baguette’ some time before. […]

Product placement — contributing to The Pod Delusion

I’ve been thinking about getting involved in podcasting for a while now. So when I saw a favourite blogger of mine asking for contributors to a new podcast he was setting up, I thought it was the ideal opportunity to dip my toe in the water. The podcast is the idea of James O’Malley, a […]

Tasty but inoffensive crisps

Unlike some people, I am not a fat bastard. But for me, a day is not complete without a packet of crisps. Or two. Or three. At work a few months ago I was talking to the representative from Walkers Crisps. He told me that Cheddar Cheese flavour was being discontinued along with Spicy Chilli […]