Murky has written about DRM, and the fact that owners of MP3 players don’t buy many digital downloads, but are very likely to buy more CDs than somebody who doesn’t own an MP3 player. Superficially, this “blows the pro-DRM arguments for music out of the water.” But it isn’t even as simple as this. Perhaps […]
Music is so pretty, but it’s the wrong size
The other day I came across another interesting website from Spatial Literacy (you know them, they did that Surname Profiler). With this new website you type in your postcode and it tells you where you fit into ‘e-Society‘ (via Ben Metcalfe). Apparently people in my postcode fall into categories “D : E for entertainment and […]
I love my pretty boxes!
I saw this intereting story on Guardian Unlimited today: CDs becoming a charity case (with some comments here). It seems as though more CDs are being sold second-hand because everybody’s got all their music on MP3 players now. Well I’m fully MP3’d up, with all my music stored on my computer and my iRiver. But […]