Final meetup plans

Apologies for the lack of proper material here. It’s all been meetup chat for the past couple of weeks, for which I apologise. Hopefully normal service will soon resume (whatever “normal service” is round here).

I need to tie up a few of the loose ends which were present in the last update about the meetup. So here are all the details you need to know.

We will be meeting in the Pleasance Courtyard in Edinburgh on Thursday 27 August from around 6pm onwards.

Some people have suggested Pleasance Courtyard may be too busy so there may have to be a Plan B. In case we need to change plans, I will try my best to keep everyone updated on Twitter — @doctorvee. Likewise, if anyone needs to get in contact with me the best way is probably to direct message me on Twitter. Alternatively you can email me — the address is in the sidebar.

To help people find us, I will wear a green long-sleeved t-shirt. Look for a young-but-strangely-jaded-looking person and chances are it’ll be me. (My picture is up in the top right there, though I’m constantly told I don’t look much like it.)

Everyone is welcome and based on the feedback so far it seems like we’ll get a relatively good turnout. So I hope to see you there! 🙂


  1. At the risk of sounding like a COMPLETE MORON… where is that, for the non-Edinburghians amongst us?

    Also wondering if anybody here has experience of buses from Glasgow at peak times… I resent the twenty quid train fare, much as I love you guys 😉

  2. I too am resident in Glasgow’s biggest and best city! I will try and come along although I am finishing work at 6 so not sure I’ll be able to come – will do my best though. Have a great time fi I can’t be there.

  3. You don’t have to be there right from kick-off — I will certainly be around until around 10:30pm, so plenty of time for stragglers. 😀

    I understand if you can’t make it though, but it would be good to meet you!