October 2007

Slow but steady wins the race for Räikkönen

Sorry! Very late once again. Very busy weekend once again. I’m actually staying up well past my bedtime to write this post. (And not because I’m waiting to see if In Rainbows is released this evening, oh no!) Anyway, the Chinese Grand Prix was just the sort of classic race that reminds you why you […]

Those rumours about Salmond standing in Kirkcaldy can’t be true

BBC News: SNP leader Alex Salmond said Gordon Brown was a “big feartie from Fife” who had lost credibility. Excuse me! I guess that’s put the final nail in the coffin of the rumour that Alex Salmond was thinking about standing in Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath. Any more of that kind of patronising from the Edinburgh […]

Why F1 is in such a mess

Despite what I have written about Lewis Hamilton’s actions behind the Safety Car over the past couple of days, I think the FIA’s decision was the correct one (it’s not often I say that!). Hamilton broke the rules, but it was not the sort of thing that merited a serious punishment. A slap on the […]

White Noise — An Electric Storm

Despite my interest in electronic music, my collection — shamefully — doesn’t contain very much from before the 1990s. The only ones that I can think of from the top of my head are an album of music from the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, some Brian Eno and Steve Reich. A recent purchase makes me wonder […]

Now Webber’s quote takes on a new meaning

Remember Mark Webber’s controversial interview on ITV after his retirement at the Japanese Grand Prix? It’s kids, isn’t it. It’s kids with not enough experience, and they just go and fuck it all up! At the time, most people — myself included — thought that he was referring to Sebastian Vettel. But my brother brought […]

A word on post ratings

I couple of months back I added a feature on this blog that lets you rate posts. I said at the time that I would have preferred a Reddit-style “thumbs up” / “thumbs down” system, but I had to make do with a 5 stars system. Well, the plugin that I use now has a […]

Too many thoughts on Fuji

Firstly — apologies for the lateness of my review of the Japanese Grand Prix. Another busy weekend spilled over into Monday, and is spilling over into Tuesday and Wednesday as well. (I am being very naughty by writing this post.) There are so many talking points that it is difficult to know where to start. […]

Learndirect are shocked, just shocked, by Jeremy Kyle

Last week The Jeremy Kyle Show was branded as a human form of bear-baiting by District Judge Alan Berg. He is probably quite right. I say “probably”, because I have not actually sat down and watched a full episode of The Jeremy Kyle Show. The man’s demeanour is enough to put you off after just […]

Radiohead’s new album due out in ten days!

It seems a bit far-fetched but I don’t think it’s a joke. It looks like a novel approach to releasing an album as well. According to Jonny Greenwood (and he would know), their new album is called In Rainbows and comes out on October the 10th. I’m not sure about the choice you face though. […]