You might have noticed that over the past few weeks and months I haven’t been posting as often as I used to. This isn’t the first time this has happened to me. Normally I just dismiss it as a spot of blog depression. I get over it and after a couple of weeks I’m back to my blogging ways again. But this time it’s lasted much longer.
I take back what I said before. Blogging is time consuming. Time is the scarcest resource in the world, and I just don’t have enough spare time to waste on such a pointless activity. I have realised that I really need to get a proper hobby that isn’t just sitting in front of a computer.
University has been getting more stressful. Next year is my final year, and I really don’t want to mess it up. Plus, with work and commuting thrown into the mix, I already have quite enough on my plate without blogging. I want to be able to enjoy myself as well. Summer is also coming up, and I’m not going to waste another one going pale indoors.
So I’m hanging up my keyboard. Of course, you will still be able to find me in many of the usual places — Twitter,, Facebook — I’ll keep all of that up. They are all quick-fire things anyway. It’s this blog which is the really time consuming bit, so I’m calling it a day for this website.
And that goes for the roundup as well. After this morning’s roundup, that’s it. I’ll be happy to pass on the baton to whoever wants it (but who would?).
I just want to say thanks to all of the people who have ever read or commented on this blog. I didn’t quite get to my 2,000th post on this blog. But as tempting as it was to reach that target, I have too many immediate demands on my time to mess around with something that my heart just isn’t in.
I might return one day, but as I said I have a lot on my plate at the moment so I will take a few months off at least. In the meantime, enjoy some numbers.
I might return one day
After the First of April?
I missed a trick today.
I should have come out as a Guardian reading, tree hugging, global warming touting, work-shy, hippy bastard.
Ach weel. there’s always April 1st next year for that sort of thing.