That is today’s date, and apparently it says blog. That makes today Blog Day. I’d forgotten that until today. I am not doing anything about it.

Update: Actually, I did do something. I updated my blogroll for the first time in ages. This used to be a job for Wednesdays, but I won’t have Wednesdays free any longer so I’m doing it while I can.

Also, yet more design tweaks, as you no doubt noticed. Once again I thought about going for something a bit more radical but decided against it at the last minute.

1 comment

  1. […] The first of September. So we’ve exited the summer, where people only celebrate blogging for no good reason, and which is far too hot anyway. It definitely felt like winter the other day when it was pitch black at 9pm. An uni starts again in a couple of weeks. Gah. […]