January 2006


An amusing music-related animated gif (sorry, can’t think how else to describe this without giving it away; via).

The IT Crowd: first impressions

The IT Crowd starts next Friday, but Channel 4 are putting the episodes on the internet a week in advance. Contrary to my fears, the first episode is actually pretty good! It starts off brilliantly. The first few scenes reminded me of Big Train at its best. Promising signs. The fact that it was filmed […]

Give up now

Euro 2008 qualifying draw: Group B France Italy Ukraine SCOTLAND Lithuania Georgia Faroe Islands We’ll be lucky if we finish third in that group, never mind second!

Brooker on Galloway

Charlie Brooker: Supposing… Galloway really tried to balls up his career: [Upon eviction, George Galloway was] greeted by what sounded like an explosion in a boo factory… In PR terms, it’s hard to think of anything worse he could’ve done during his stay in the house. But I’ll have a go. He could have 1) […]


Memes, as Noreen so aptly put it, are gh3y. They are usually reserved for LiveJournals and MySpaces, but this one is all over the British blogosphere like a rash. And snooo tagged me (as well as giving me a minor promotion). Phhhhhhhhh. Seven things to do before I die: 1. Get a job 2. Get […]

Oaten blogging roundup

Sorry for another post on this, but Tim Ireland has some more thoughts on what happened on certain blogs over the weekend. The timeline seems to go something like this: Wednesday evening: Guido and the Monkey release a drunken podcast which contains childish jokes, including ones about Mark Oaten being a paedophile Friday: Comments are […]