There was great excitement at work yesterday when I updated the University of St Andrews homepage to advertise some exciting news related to economics, which was my chosen subject in a previous guise. A public lecture is being given by Professor Eric Maskin on the subject of how Members of Parliament should be elected. Very […]
Blogging for the University of St Andrews web team
I have now begun writing for yet another blog. The University of St Andrews web team blog is being relaunched after an almost two year long hiatus. So if you’ve ever wanted to learn about what I do at work (!) then you are in luck! My first post is about the Institutional Web Management […]
Why are web browser logos all circular?
A thought suddenly occurred to me last week when I was attending a presentation at IWMW about HTML5 and friends. One of the slides contained the logos of the five major browsers. It suddenly occurred to me that they are all round! It is almost as if the circle or sphere has, by stealth, become […]
Merry Christmas — looking back and forward
I would like to wish everyone who still reads this a very merry Christmas. As time has gone on, my updates have become increasingly sporadic. I am surprised and touched that people keep coming back to read and comment on what I have written. Looking back, I have actually written almost a hundred articles for […]
There is a good reason for the lack of updates
I don’t often write about myself here these days. Despite the fact that I went to all the effort to set up a personal website, I do think it is a tad self-indulgent to bang on about myself. However, some readers may be interested in recent developments in my life. Regular readers will know that […]
Spare part
I see that the BBC’s iPM blog is asking for the human stories behind the current unemployment figures. Well, I am a human face of two recent news stories. As readers are no doubt sick of reading by now, one of those stories was the loss of around 27,000 jobs at Woolworths. The other is […]