Robert Sandall

I was sad yesterday to learn of the death of Robert Sandall. While he is most celebrated as a music journalist, I was more aware of him as a radio presenter. In 2001, when I was discovering my interest in experimental music, I was advised by someone on a messageboard to listen to the Radio […]

BBC 6 Music should be enhanced, not killed

If the reports that the BBC will close down 6 Music are true, it is a great shame. Of course, this could be seen coming. The BBC has been utterly weak in almost every respect for the past few years, and it is difficult to escape the notion that it is too big, with too […]

The premium rate scandal has caught the wrong culprits

Long term readers of this blog will know that I am not a big fan of phone-in quizzes. So when the recent controversy surrounding premium rate phone lines I was quite pleased. But now I think it has turned into media bandwagon. More and more instances of dodgy goings-on are being sniffed out by the […]

Mixing It banned by the BBC

It’s true. Whilst we of course have no objection to Mark Russell and Robert Sandall presenting a radio programme which covers new and experimental music, the BBC has issues regarding the unauthorised use of the programme title Mixing It. The BBC has been using the programme name for 16 years and in that time it […]

Mixing It resurrected — for real!

Yes, it’s true! Mixing It is returning! Not to Radio 3, but that’s Radio 3’s loss. Mixing It’s new home is on Resonance FM. According to Mark Russell himself, posting on the “alternative” Radio 3 message board, the first programme will be broadcast at some point within the next seven days. Then a series will […]

The axing of Mixing It

Tomorrow is a sad day for fans of experimental music, and it is a particularly poor one for the reputation of the BBC in certain circles. Probably the best music programme on radio, Mixing It, has been axed. The final programme will be tomorrow at 2215 on Radio 3. Mixing It was probably the only […]