From the vaults: Old F1 magazines

Okay, so it’s not from the vaults, it’s from my attic. I just happened to mention in passing to “me” from Sidepodcast on Identica the short-lived F1 magazine GPX. He asked me to upload it so that he could see what it was like, so I took photos of the two issues of GPX I […]

Bluffer’s guide — Part 3: teams and drivers

At last, bluffer’s guide makes its return. For the past couple of months I’ve been too busy to continue the series, but now I have some more free time. Previous bluffer’s guides have looked at the rules and aspects of strategy. This guide will look at issues around teams and drivers: how they enter, why […]

BMW’s striking new car

It is often said that if you painted all F1 cars the same colour then they would all look the same. That’s not quite true. They might all look broadly similar, but all of the cars have their own characteristics. For instance, McLaren have their distinctive ‘horns’. Nevertheless, it is rare to see any teams […]