I hope you all managed to have a good Christmas. I have to say, I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed Christmas so much. In recent years I have enjoyed it just as a nice day off with a big meal. But beyond that I didn’t enjoy them much more than a normal day […]
The problem with liberalism
Why my whatsit is more thingy than your doo-dah
A bit of fun with US politics
I came across another of those political quizzes. This one matches you up with the US Presidential candidates. It’s quite smart. You can choose which topics you’re interested in by distributing 20 points among 14 categories. I gave one point to each category then bumped up a few areas where I feel strongest. It then […]
Bloggers censored for upsetting a billionaire bully-boy
I’m a bit late with this one, but I feel as though I should mention it. Bloggerheads has been taken down by a bullying Uzbek billionaire and his bullying lawyers. Craig Murray’s website was apparently the one that upset Alisher Usmanov so much. But Tim Ireland’s ISP decided to take down a whole cluster of […]
Opposition to immigration reaches its logical conclusion
It is probably not a surprise to most people that MigrationWatch are a raving mob of fascist shits. Unlike some, I don’t waggle words like ‘fascist’ around lightly. But here is why I apply it to MigrationWatch and their chair Andrew Green. People who are opposed to immigration like to say that “they take our […]
Broadcasters should now be biased if they want to be
The media is changing very quickly, and there are a lot of difficult issues that have to be sorted out. With the massive (and still growing, maybe even still accellerating) success of blogging, podcasting and vlogging, the boundaries between the mainstream media and the pamphleteers are becoming ever-more blurred. This week Michael Grade wondered about […]
Facebook’s features as creepy as ID cards?
Sorry to come back to the Facebook privacy furore again. The Snow In The Summer or So-So compares Facebook’s new features to the government’s identity register. The argument here reminds me of Matthew Parris’s position on the general identity card debate (as distinct from the specific Labour Party identity database). In a nutshell, he’s argued […]
The 11th of September
On the fifth anniversary of the attacks, I thought I would write a post about my memories of that day. This is partly because it is really the first news story in my life where I might be asked the question, “where were you when you heard…?” Well, there was Princess Diana’s death, but I […]
I can’t be arsed getting angry
I can’t be arsed getting angry. But whilst terrorism is boring, civil liberties aren’t. So I’m just going to link to a lot of people who have got angry today. I did stick these on the linklog, but there were far too many good posts today so I thought I’d make a proper post to […]
Shorter Bob Piper
On the launch of Liberty Central: “Civil liberties are all very well, but if it’s the Labour Party shitting on them there’s no way I’m getting in their way.” That just sums it up doesn’t it? Here’s a good one. I’ve got an immediate aversion to anything which smells of coalition… Interesting. What does that […]