
This blog has moved (again)

I have moved my blog over to Apologies for the confusion, and for moving my blog just a year after the last time I moved it. I promise this will be the last time I move. Find out why I have decided to make the change. I hope to see you there. Visit Duncan […]

Mysteries of Silverstone Wing complex solved

Silverstone’s new ‘Wing’ pit complex has been getting a bit of press recently as the circuit has been showing off the progress so far to journalists. Whenever I have seen designs of it, I have felt like it reminded me of something, but I could never quite put my finger on what. Then I logged […]

Welcome back

Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog! This is it — it’s official. This is a proper relaunch. And to prove it I have about a dozen posts already prepared, ready to be whipped out whenever I hit a dry patch. I was actually hoping to launch it a few weeks earlier. But the […]

Well that didn’t last long

Back already? Yes I am — sort of. It is typical of a “hiatus”. The actual hiatus (which officially began ten days ago) has been much shorted than the month-long awkward silence that preceded it. But I came to the conclusion quite quickly that I do want to continue blogging. I just don’t know how, […]

Interesting event: Political Innovation

There is an event coming up that will interest a lot of Scottish political bloggers. Political Innovation is taking place on 13 November at the University of Edinburgh’s Informatics Forum. The Political Innovation project is a series of free-to-attend practical events at which people with ideas on political innovations can meet up with technical experts, […]

Letting my Lib Dem membership lapse

A couple of weeks ago I allowed my membership of the Liberal Democrats to lapse. It is not that I have ripped up my membership card in disgust. Quite the opposite — I have found surprisingly little to be upset with the coalition government about. Nonetheless, I think governments are for opposing, not supporting. So […]

Things are a bit flaky here

Apologies for the lack of updates recently. I have been mad busy. To compound matters, when I had a spare bit of time I decided to upgrade to WordPress 3.0. This broke comments on the blog. (My fault I guess — I have been meaning to update the code for comments for at least a […]

Opportunities for potential constructors

I have a guest post up at F1 Fanatic today: Why F1 needs a feeder series for teams. With the recent drive towards attracting new teams to F1, where are the real opportunities for potential constructors to hone their skills in lower formulae, where spec series increasingly dominate? I might have a couple of other […]

Blogging for the University of St Andrews web team

I have now begun writing for yet another blog. The University of St Andrews web team blog is being relaunched after an almost two year long hiatus. So if you’ve ever wanted to learn about what I do at work (!) then you are in luck! My first post is about the Institutional Web Management […]

Scottish Roundup – handing over the reins

I have decided to take a sabbatical from Scottish Roundup. Since setting it up almost four years ago, I don’t think there has been a week where I haven’t been trying to gather nominations, arrange the rota of guest editors or actually produce the roundup itself. But I have much less spare time on my […]