I was pretty excited to learn this week about Domesday Reloaded. The Domesday project aimed to take a snapshot of British life in 1986. 25 years on, the BBC are looking to update it to document the changes that have taken place since then. I have been interested in the Domesday project for a while. […]
Man man man man
According to the BBC News website, there has been a nasty outbreak of “man” in the Tayside and Central area.
Some digital radio observations
This is just a quick thought on digital radio, following my post about the BBC’s commitment to DAB. I was browsing the Absolute Radio website earlier today, and noticed just how much they push DAB. On the Listen live page, it actually highlights DAB as the most prominent option. You can see how important digital […]
Tomorrow is Adam and Joe day!
When this blog returned last month, a reader asked me if the impending return of Adam and Joe to our radio sets was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Well, it’s not quite the best news I have ever heard. But nevertheless, tomorrow is exciting. Adam and Joe return tomorrow morning at […]
Gremlins affecting BBC One closedown
This BBC One closedown from 1996 didn’t quite go to plan. Just as well it was time to go home. I always find it interesting watching closedowns from the past. Continuity announcers just don’t seem so important these days, do they? Today they would never tell you to take care when heading out on the […]
Rob sport
John Humphrys sees himself as a defender of the use of proper English. But I surely can’t be the only one to notice that he has a remarkable tendency to drop the use of full sentences altogether when he is presenting the Today programme? It seems particularly bad when he is introducing the sport. “Seven […]
The Chain
Next weekend sees the start of the Formula 1 season. So for this week’s television presentation gem of the week, I had to feature The Chain. This week there is a campaign to get The Chain to number 1 in the charts for the start of the Formula 1 season. Here is the title sequence […]
Google’s science competition
Google has teamed up with some awesome organisations to offer budding young scientists some great prizes for coming up with neat ideas. Along with Cern, Lego, National Geographic and Scientific American, Google is asking for people aged between 13 and 18 to submit their projects to the Google Global Science Fair. They describe it as […]
Has the BBC failed digital radio?
The news that the BBC is considering reversing its decision to close down the Asian Network marks the corporation’s second major U-turn on a digital radio service closure. The first was the more high-profile threat to close 6 Music. The dithering indecisiveness is enough. But what really annoys me about these decisions is the underlying […]
How committed to F1 is the BBC?
There was some alarming news for F1 fans yesterday. According to The Guardian, the BBC is considering ditching F1 coverage as a result of budget cuts. Easy target I used to think the chances of the BBC dropping its F1 coverage at the end of the current contract were fairly high. For critics of the […]