I was pretty excited to learn this week about Domesday Reloaded. The Domesday project aimed to take a snapshot of British life in 1986. 25 years on, the BBC are looking to update it to document the changes that have taken place since then. I have been interested in the Domesday project for a while. […]
Current affairs
Where is the finish line in first past the post?
It will come as little surprise to long-time readers of this blog that I will be voting yes in the alternative vote referendum on Thursday. But now that the focus of this blog is less on politics, I haven’t actually written much about it. With just a few days to go, until polling day, I […]
Man man man man
According to the BBC News website, there has been a nasty outbreak of “man” in the Tayside and Central area.
Scottish Vote Compass
It has become de rigueur for every election to have at least one online quiz that tells you how you should vote. The 2011 Scottish Parliament electon has Scottish Vote Compass. I have not exactly found myself becoming hooked on the Scottish Parliament election campaign. To be honest, I care much more about the alternative […]
Professor Eric Maskin lecture in St Andrews
There was great excitement at work yesterday when I updated the University of St Andrews homepage to advertise some exciting news related to economics, which was my chosen subject in a previous guise. A public lecture is being given by Professor Eric Maskin on the subject of how Members of Parliament should be elected. Very […]
Has the BBC failed digital radio?
The news that the BBC is considering reversing its decision to close down the Asian Network marks the corporation’s second major U-turn on a digital radio service closure. The first was the more high-profile threat to close 6 Music. The dithering indecisiveness is enough. But what really annoys me about these decisions is the underlying […]
How committed to F1 is the BBC?
There was some alarming news for F1 fans yesterday. According to The Guardian, the BBC is considering ditching F1 coverage as a result of budget cuts. Easy target I used to think the chances of the BBC dropping its F1 coverage at the end of the current contract were fairly high. For critics of the […]
My views on the Liberal Democrats in government
I was asked a question in the comments to the previous post by an “anonymous fan“. (A fan? Wowser.) What do you make of the Lib Dems being in government and to what extent do you still support them? I thought the question would be of wider interest, so I have decided to respond in […]
Moving out
I am writing to you direct from my new flat. It has been a hectic week, trying to move up here at the same time as a particularly nasty cold snap has hit the UK, and the east of Scotland in particular. I was hoping to get the whole thing pretty much finished this week […]
Interesting event: Political Innovation
There is an event coming up that will interest a lot of Scottish political bloggers. Political Innovation is taking place on 13 November at the University of Edinburgh’s Informatics Forum. The Political Innovation project is a series of free-to-attend practical events at which people with ideas on political innovations can meet up with technical experts, […]