I was very sad and shocked to learn that Trish Keenan from Broadcast passed away earlier today.
Discovering the music of Broadcast was an important step in the development of my taste in music. It remains one of my favourite bands. Trish Keenan’s singing mesmerised me. Broadcast’s retro-futuristic style appealed to my then-developing interest in experimental music.
Few people can have played a larger role in the development of the genre known as hauntology, the most interesting sound in electronic music today. Broadcast returned the favour with recent collaborations with the Ghost Box record label, the primary purveyors of the genre.
Broadcast’s recent mini-album and single made with The Focus Group marked an exciting change in direction. I was eagerly looking forward to the band’s anticipated new material.
This is Echo’s Answer, from The Noise Made by People — the album that began my explorations in experimentation.
Very sad. I only saw them once, supporting Stereolab. Now both bands have been touched by tragedy. Extraordinary sounds, thanks for the post.
I do regret never seeing Broadcast. I almost did a couple of times, and I had promised myself I would see them the next time they came close.