Time for another bloggers’ meetup?

Over at Scottish Roundup, Will’s latest roundup was titled ‘The Blogosphere BBQ‘. It got a few people licking their lips.

On Twitter, @milkmiruku said: “how bout an RL BBQ at some point? maybe even with debates or suchlike?” Then in the comments, Yousuf and Steve chipped in, which led me to wonder if it’s time for another bloggers’ meetup of some sort.

I’m not sure about having a barbecue with debates just yet — maybe in the future! But certainly, on the back of the success of previous meetups, I think it’s worth having another informal chit-chat. Last time, Iain Macwhirter turned up unannounced, so you never know what might happen at our next one!

Right now, on Malc’s suggestion we’re thinking of holding it in Edinburgh sometime during the last week of the festival, which I make the week beginning 31 August (Update: Or week beginning 24 August). If anyone has any thoughts, let us know. Of course I’ll keep you updated with any plans we concoct.


  1. I meant the previous week – beginning the 24th. But either is fine with me.

    And before anyone moans, the reason Edinburgh was suggested was two-fold: first, because of the festival and second, because most of us (as in those of us who were concocting the plan/ likely to turn up) live here.

  2. Lis — Never mind, another time! Although Malc has clarified that was talking about w/b 24 August.

    Malc — Thanks for the clarification.

    I should also point out that I don’t live in Edinburgh, but I don’t think it would be on to ask everyone to come to Kirkcaldy! Plus, it would be a real old pain for me to travel to, say, Glasgow.

  3. Sounds like a pleasant idea – and potentially a pleasant relief from my present enslavement to the joys of work.

    If some orderly soul coordinates it cunningly, I should be able to put in the proverbial appearance over in fair Edina.

  4. Following last years debacle in leaving the bar to get to see ‘Britishness’ I may be courageous in suggesting basing the meet around ‘About the Scots’ p18 of your fringe programmes peeps. Which starts at 20:00 at the Beehive Inn on the Grassmarket. So we could even frequent another pub nearby before, after (possibly during)

  5. LPW — It would be good to see you there!

    Stephen — Thanks for the suggestion. Sounds interesting.

    I should point out that Jeff has already suggested NewsRevue. So there’s no shortage of stuff we could do — as long as we manage to get there this time!

  6. This sounds good, I’m even willing to travel to the lesser city to experience it! Incidentaly, it’s probably a bit soon but on Wednesday the 19th the comedian Mark Thomas has a fringe event where he discusses potential policies for a mythical manifesto which includes Patrick Harvie and my boss amongst others…

  7. Would be strange meeting fellow bloggers for the first time in person, just don’t mention politics lol..

    I am interested though and shall keep an eye out for the finalised date..

  8. Great, it looks like there is a lot of interest! I will definitely keep everyone posted on what the plans are. Just now sometime between 24–28 August looks like it might be when most people are available. How do people feel about it perhaps being on a school night?

  9. Great idea! Be nice to meet everyone again and hopefully put a few more faces to names. Kirkcaldy or Edinburgh during the Festival….? Think you made the right call Duncan ;o)