Once again, I have found myself in the situation where I need to reduce my commitment to something due to a lack of time. I’ve already reduced my role in Scottish Roundup a bit since I set it up two years ago.
I had, however, hoped that more people would nominate more posts. Unfortunately, it has never reached more than a trickle (normally, only one or two posts are nominated per week). So even if I am not editing the roundup myself, I still provide a lot of my own suggestions, and I also usually step in if a guest was unable to do it.
But often I don’t have the time I need to produce a decent roundup every two or three weeks. And this is before I have found myself a full-time job! Add in the recent addition of the non-political roundup, and I find myself trying to find more ways to reduce Scottish Roundup’s dependence on my time.
It would also be unfair of me to ask Will Patterson, who does such an excellent job on the roundup every third week, to pick up all of the slack.
As such, I have decided to try and set up a team of perhaps five or ten people who are willing to chip in on a regular basis. Primarily, it would involve suggesting a handful of posts every week. Hopefully that way the roundup can contain dozens of great posts with relatively little effort. It would also be helpful if some people would be willing to edit the roundup on a semi-regular basis, perhaps once every two or three months.
It would be good if there was some political balance on the team as well — maybe one blogger for each of the five major parties and a few independents. This isn’t vital, but it’s an idea.
I’m not just looking for help on the political roundup. I probably need even more help on the non-political roundup, because in my experience it is much harder to compile the non-political roundup, mostly because there are so many more blogs and it is stressful to think that I might be overlooking a complete gem of a post!
So if anyone is interested in becoming involved in helping out with Scottish Roundup on a more regular basis, please let me know. Email me at scottishroundup@gmail.com.
If you’re not so keen on being involved that often, but you still fancy editing every once in a while, I’m always looking for more editors. And I have no way of knowing who does and doesn’t want to do the roundup, so if you fancy it then please don’t be shy in coming forward.
Legal challenged launched against Mandelson.
As their release says: ‘Lord Mandelson, in our view, is acting unlawfully.’
Hi Dr V
Is there any reason why the scot roundup shouldn’t be incorporated into the britblog roundup?
Hi poons, sorry it took me so long to publish and respond to your comment — I’ve had a lot on the agenda this week!
It’s an interesting idea that I think would be worth investigating. I’d like for Scottish Roundup to remain its own website, but some kind of hook-up with Britblog might make sense. Do you have any idea of how it might work?