February 2008

How not to review music

I was going to to a track-by-track review of Quaristice. Pinksy asked what it sounds like, which is quite a tough question to answer. I was tempted to give it a shot though. But I think I will give the track-by-track review a miss — in case I end up sounding like this. It already […]

Yes, everything from the past seven days is gone

Well something big happened last night because for around an hour last night if you visited this blog you will have got a 500 Internal Server Error. Then it was fixed, but there was a problem. The blog looked the way it did seven days ago — and everything that has happened since has gone. […]

Media hypocrisy is making the F1 racism issue worse

On Sunday when I wrote about the racist crowd members at the Barcelona test, I said that part of the problem was the media’s debased, distorted coverage of Formula 1. Sadly, their coverage of the racism issue itself does not make me confident that the situation will get any better. The News International stable in […]

Racism reaches F1

I have written before about the dangerously partisan, disgracefully nationalistic coverage of Formula 1. There is only one logical conclusion to taking a nationalistic angle in coverage of sports that have nothing to do with nationality. Some British media outlets are guilty of putting an anti-Spanish angle into elements of their F1 coverage last year. […]

Music of 2007: top three

Yesterday I promised that I would finally get round to posting my top three albums of 2007 today. I almost forgot about it because I was having so much fun writing my dissertation (true story). But a promise is a promise, so I am staying up extra late. I’m sure it won’t take long… 3. […]

Music of 2007: #10–#4

At last! I have got round to the top ten. Was it worth it? Probably not. Next (i.e. this) year, I am only doing the top 20, I swear… 10. Hanne Hukkelberg — Rykestrasse 68 A neat album of playfully experimental jazzy folky songs. The interesting but subtle use of found sounds makes Rykestrasse 68 […]