Welcome to vee8, my new Formula 1 blog. Yes, I finally decided to separate the F1 content from my main blog. I will continue to maintain doctorvee.co.uk, but by starting vee8 I don’t have to worry about overwhelming it with F1 content.
A lot of my readers are not so keen on F1, but it becomes an almost-exclusively F1 blog at some points during the season. Starting a separate blog allows me to post even more F1 content, while leaving my main blog for my other interests.
I have been thinking about setting up vee8 for a couple of years now. In the end I decided it was finally time to go for it. But I know that I cannot dream of reaching the same standards as some of the brilliant F1 bloggers that do such a great job already. So I won’t even try.
I will not attempt to cover every snippet of F1 news in-depth. I will not have daily posts on my latest opinions. I simply do not have the time to dedicate to it. But I will post about F1 just as often as I used to at doctorvee, if not more.
That won’t be enough to have people coming back, so I have a few plans up my sleeve.
First of all, I have an efficient way of producing a daily news post. I will be using Delicious throughout the day to collect the most interesting articles from news sites and blogs. This list will be published every day in the late afternoon to provide an overview of the day’s news. I will also keep a list of the very latest stories that have caught my attention in the sidebar. If you want to follow the links, the Delicious account is here.
Another plan is to produce my race reports using Twitter. Last year I experimented with liveblogging Grands Prix over Twitter. I will try to do the same this year as often as I can. As with the Delicious posts, at the end of each day these Twitter posts will be collected and published here. The race report will read like a lap-by-lap commentary.
I have something else up my sleeve, but I will let this blog bed in a bit before I announce it. But let’s just say, the little ‘1’ next to my name isn’t just for decoration…
Speaking of which, do you like the design? It is a homage to the classic FOM graphics that ran for several years from the mid-1990s and were only ditched a few years ago. For me, this is the iconic image of Formula 1 coverage, so when I was designing this blog I couldn’t resist the nod.
Incidentally, I am a bit iffy about the URL. It is perhaps too many dots and probably too many ‘vees’. I was going to buy vee8.co.uk, but some rascal has already gone and bought it! I haven’t made my mind up about whether I am going to get a different URL for it. In the end I have decided to launch the blog here, but I might decide to move to a different address. The RSS feed has been set up with Feedburner though, so you can subscribe without having to worry about any future moves I make.
The place is still a bit bare. I am still tweaking bits and pieces all the time. I plan to bring in all the features I want to implement over the next couple of weeks. I should be into the swing of things by the time the season begins in Melbourne in two weeks.
In the meantime, keep an eye out for my preview posts which will be published shortly.
Thanks for dropping by, and I hope you choose to keep visiting throughout the season.
[…] it would do no harm to set up a new blog. So I have gone ahead and launched it at vee8. Check out the introductory post here for a full explanation of my plans for the […]
I have something else up my sleeve, but I will let this blog bed in a bit before I announce it. But let’s just say, the little ‘1′ next to my name isn’t just for decoration…
You’re cloning yourself?
Gah! I’ve been rumbled!
Good luck, I’m pleased you now have a dedicated F1 blog. Looking forward to what you have to say this season. Bookmarked and subscribed.
Thanks Ollie!
Already added it to favourites Dr Vee !
Spanish fan reporting: RSS added.