October 2007

I didn’t think that Hamilton blocked Räikkönen, but now I do

Lewis Hamilton has yet again found himself in the middle of a row about his on-track actions. This time there are accusations that he blocked Kimi Räikkönen during qualifying. When I watched it on television I felt that Hamilton did not do enough to get out of Räikkönen’s way, but to me there was no […]

Notice for non-F1 fans

This is something that I mention over and over again, but it is a fact that one of the most common things people say about my blog is along the lines of, “Of course, I skip past all of the F1 posts.” Those people would be doing a lot of skipping this weekend. The F1 […]

I am fed up with the power-crazy FIA’s interfering

I have really had enough. Formula 1 is being ruined by a ridiculously Byzantine rule book, political in-fighting, inconsistent penalty decisions, nonsensical posturing and the power-crazy FIA President responsible for it all. It seems to me as though the FIA is increasingly determined to stick its nose in everything, constantly bossing the teams and bosses […]

ABC1, Virgin 1 and BBC Two 2

I am quite a fan of Freeview. Even though I hardly ever watch any television these days, I think it is so wonderful to have that kind of choice fairly hassle-free for £20-odd. There have been quite a lot of changes to Freeview recently. First came the unexpected and abrupt death of ABC1. It wasn’t […]

The state of the Scottish blogosphere

I forgot / didn’t have the time to mention it at the time, but a couple of weeks back Scottish Roundup turned one year old. But it wasn’t the only one — Tartan Hero, Scots and Independent, North to Leith and Granite City were all celebrating last week — mere days after I was bemoaning […]

A pot of gold for us all In Rainbows

(Sorry for using that pun, which has now been used by precisely 118,837 people.) Still biding my time before I write my review of Radiohead’s new album, In Rainbows. In the meantime, a bit of number crunching. One of the interesting things about this has been the hype in certain quarters about how high Radiohead […]

More on the National Rail gadget

A few days back I wrote about a neat Windows Gadget that tells you how the trains are running. I was quite enthusiastic about it then, but it turns out I didn’t know the half of it! Here are some of the neat features that I have discovered since I wrote that post. Colour coding: […]

It’s true — I’ve moved to the right

There is this spinning woman who is doing the rounds on the internet at the moment. Thinks she’s really clever by looking like she’s turning clockwise when she’s actually turning anti-clockwise, while in actual fact she was turning clockwise all along! And anti-clockwise. At the same time. Apparently, whether you perceive the woman to be […]

The most biased article about Lewis Hamilton I have ever read

And that’s saying something! And would you credit it, it was by ITV-F1. WHY LEWIS IS TAKING THE FLAK, the headline screams, stomping its feet. The article by Mark Hughes (who is normally one of the more sensible ITV-F1 people) starts as it means to go on, by taking a true event and completely twisting […]

At last — a useful Windows Sidebar Gadget

If you are a user of Windows Vista, you will no doubt be aware of Windows Gadgets. For the uninitiated, they are basically tiny little applications that run on your desktop (you might also know them as widgets or, in the world of Facebook, applications). You will also be aware that none of the sidebar […]