Well yesterday BBC Two unveiled its new look, not too long after BBC One launched its new idents. Being a bit of a TV pres geek enthusiast like James O’Malley, I am of course interested (even though I seem to watch hardly any actual television these days). The reception seems to have been fairly mixed, […]
February 2007
Mixing It resurrected — sort of
Fans of Mixing It who use Last.fm should consider joining the Mixing It Last.fm group! The neat thing is that each Last.fm group has its own “radio station”. The more diverse the music collections of the group members is, the more eclectic (and there like the real Mixing It) the radio station becomes. I’ve just […]
Gadgets have won me over
I’ve been fiddling around with Gadgets again, and I have to say I stand corrected about the weather gadget! I hadn’t realised that dragging them away from the sidebar actually makes gadgets more functional. I now know that Sunday will be cloudy and Monday and Tuesday will be rainy. There are some other cool gadgets […]
Drum roll please
I got my eyes tested today, because when I scoffed at the idea on this blog a load of commenters came along to tell me I should go because otherwise I might have eye cancer, or something. My eyesight hasn’t changed.
Bookworld has gone into administration
So I guess that means that after their next “Closing Down Sale”, they will actually be closing down!
Terry Kelly will like this
No doubt he will be tearing up his Labour membership card after reading this article: “Dennis Goldie, who is also known for his outspoken opposition to gay rights, is the frontrunner to become the Labour candidate in Falkirk West.” (Via)
The axing of Mixing It pt. 2
Mixing It presenter Mark Russell has an interesting post about the demise of the programme. It certainly seems as though the programme has been quite harshly treated by Radio 3 in its final months. Thanks to Simon Russell who sent me the link.
Why I am not in favour of independence
This is the post about independence that I have been threatening to write for months. I am seriously considering voting SNP at this year’s Scottish Parliament elections. But I will probably stand in the voting booth thinking long and hard about it, with my hand quivering. And it will definitely be only for the constituency […]
The last duel
Probably a bit late, but if anybody’s interested there is a programme on BBC Two at 2100 tonight about the last recorded fatal duel to be held in Scotland. It happened 200 years ago on a field just outside Kirkcaldy. Should be an interesting programme.
The axing of Mixing It
Tomorrow is a sad day for fans of experimental music, and it is a particularly poor one for the reputation of the BBC in certain circles. Probably the best music programme on radio, Mixing It, has been axed. The final programme will be tomorrow at 2215 on Radio 3. Mixing It was probably the only […]