At last! On Friday I saw my first ever copy of the Record PM since the paper became free. Yes, it was a discarded paper left on a train seat. A few weeks ago The Scottish Patient pointed and laughed at the paper’s unpopularity.
But I would be interested in taking a look. It is free after all. Maybe I would give it just one look, like the Metro (I read that once — never again). But I’ve never had the opportunity.
When London’s new free newspapers launched a short while back, we heard all sorts of stories about how desperate people were to give these papers out. They would just force them into your hands as you tried to get into the train station or something.
Maybe the competition in London caused that. Because I’ve not seen a single person eager to get me to read the Record PM. So, where is it being given out? Is it still the same place as when you had to pay for it? That solitary stall — attended to by somebody who could beat “Golf Sale” boy in the boredom stakes — on the corner of Princes Street and Waverley Bridge, outside Princes Mall.
Is that the only place? If so, shouldn’t they be trying harder? I approach Waverley Station from the south, and I’m not the only one. And I’ve never seen anybody giving the papers out. There are at least three potential entrances for people walking from the south and west. People taking these routes will never encounter a Record PM distributor.
Just the length of Princes Street, as far as I can tell – there’s a few Record people there and they have to practically beg people to take them. They’re like Big Issue sellers, only less popular…
As a Record PM distributor, I would like to draw attention to the fact that these papers have been flying out each night. Over 10,000 papers are being distributed EVERY night and reasons behind your apparent ‘ignorance’ may be due to the fact that the popularity of the paper has been so great, that you have missed the last “Record”…As for the popularity of the distributors, I receive numerous friendly gestures and comments right through the working hours.