May 2005


“Mattel is suing to shut down a BBQ joint in Quebec called “Barbie’s,” on the grounds that very stupid children might wander alone into the bar/restaurant and order ribs under the mistaken impression that they have something to do with the Barbie dolls.” (Via.)

Rectify the error

So Mark Mardell is off to fill the BBC’s new slot of Europe Editor. So now that the BBC’s two highest-profile political reporters have shuffled along, who will replace them? I think I’d like to see Nick Robinson back at the BBC. I liked him before when he was on BBC News 24, and I […]

I want my vote to count

David Lipsey, chair of Make Votes Count, made a speech today in the House of Lords. As they say, read it all. But here’s an interesting bit (emphasis mine). …[On the Today programme the Lord Chancellor] put forward three arguments with which I want briefly to take issue. First, he said that change would mean […]


Look at the useful website, They Work For You. It must be the modern-day version of looking up ‘willy’ in the dictionary. Top searches have included ‘pussy’, ‘cock’ (aswell as ‘Andrew Lansley’). Oh, and ‘gonads‘. Apparently there are “two pussies, five cocks and about 170 odd Andrew Lansley.” Doesn’t it make you proud?


Jordan “oh man where did it all go wrong?” Grand Prix have signed Franck Montagny as their third driver now. For this reason: We began the season with three rookie drivers, which was the right thing to do while we adjusted to the Formula 1 environment. But now, after 6 races into the season, we […]

Bias! Bias! Bias!

Bias at the Beeb (or not). When oh when will the BBC stop employing such lefties to present its political programmes? Via Backword.

Open letter

Charles Kennedy has written an open letter to Tony Blair. …When you were in opposition, you actively courted my predecessor Paddy Ashdown with promises about reform of the voting system and a switch to proportional representation. In government, you set up a commission under the late Roy Jenkins – then refused to implement its findings. […]